Thursday 14 July 2016

I just want to be free!

Being  the daughter that you want me to be is really hard
I have tried everything that would please you.
But what did I get? NOTHING i got NOTHING
from you in return.
I became the perfect daughter that you want me to be
But I have imperfections
Every time I made a mistake 
I would receive a slap from you, 
I gladly accept all of those PAINS
You know why? Because I love you
And I respect you, after all you are still my mother
I have tried my very best to be the perfect daughter
But all those achievements, those medals, those trophies
I got were just nothing for you.
Why do i have to be like this?
Why do I have to suffer this kind of thing?
Am i not worth to love?
Why do you always have to compare me to other person
Don't you know that it hurts me?
Don't you know that I am also suffering?
Can't you just accept the fact that I am not the daughter
that you want me to be?
Can't you just accept me for being the real me?
Can't you just accept me despite of my imperfections?
I am tired already,  so tired of understanding you
I just want to be free! 
just let me go, let me do the things that i wish to do.
Let me be free and let yourself be free from the past
that ruined our lives. Let us start a new beginning.
i am begging you! let go of the past and start a new life mother
I am your daughter and you are my mother 
you're the only family i have i cant afford to lose you!
Not another member of this family!

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