Thursday 20 October 2016

3rd year COLLEGE

      3rd year college?? Kapoi kaayo grabe but gamayng push nalang mo graduate nah. ana man judt na kai sa kinabuhi naa man judt nang kapoi ana man judt na sa pag eskwela kapoi pero if there's a will there's a way.. dli judt na mawala ang kakapoi wala man guruy estudyante nga nag lahoy2 lang sa pag eskwela right??

Monday 17 October 2016

Everyone thinks I'm fine but actually I'm not fine I'm suffering.. I love a guy who doesn't love me back :(
Is it really hard to love me back???
Am I really that hard to understand?
I believe there is nothing wrong with me :(

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Making a Wish????

                     Every time there is a meteor, people will make you wish for your greatest dream. Telling you that it will come true someday. While Cinderella said, the dream is a wish your heart makes. I don't really believe on fairytales, honestly. There is no such thing as happily ever after and moreover, there's no such thing as forever. In this world, everything has an end and no one can change it.

Monday 1 August 2016

Truth :)

Some people are real,
 some people are good, 
some people are fake 
and some people are real 
and good at being fake

Tuesday 26 July 2016

I've read this!! :)

                   Life is gambling. In order to live you must set boundaries to others, distance yourself so anyone can never harm you. Trust only yourself, in this world full of judgmental hypocrites everything you do regardless if it's good or bad deeds, people will judge you and free will is nothing but a word. Never depends on others so you have no one to blame if everything is in shit chaos in the end. I myself will risk my life if no one believe this shit. Good Day!