Tuesday 26 July 2016

I've read this!! :)

                   Life is gambling. In order to live you must set boundaries to others, distance yourself so anyone can never harm you. Trust only yourself, in this world full of judgmental hypocrites everything you do regardless if it's good or bad deeds, people will judge you and free will is nothing but a word. Never depends on others so you have no one to blame if everything is in shit chaos in the end. I myself will risk my life if no one believe this shit. Good Day!

Thursday 14 July 2016

I just want to be free!

Being  the daughter that you want me to be is really hard
I have tried everything that would please you.
But what did I get? NOTHING i got NOTHING
from you in return.
I became the perfect daughter that you want me to be
But I have imperfections
Every time I made a mistake 
I would receive a slap from you, 
I gladly accept all of those PAINS
You know why? Because I love you
And I respect you, after all you are still my mother
I have tried my very best to be the perfect daughter
But all those achievements, those medals, those trophies
I got were just nothing for you.
Why do i have to be like this?
Why do I have to suffer this kind of thing?
Am i not worth to love?
Why do you always have to compare me to other person
Don't you know that it hurts me?
Don't you know that I am also suffering?
Can't you just accept the fact that I am not the daughter
that you want me to be?
Can't you just accept me for being the real me?
Can't you just accept me despite of my imperfections?
I am tired already,  so tired of understanding you
I just want to be free! 
just let me go, let me do the things that i wish to do.
Let me be free and let yourself be free from the past
that ruined our lives. Let us start a new beginning.
i am begging you! let go of the past and start a new life mother
I am your daughter and you are my mother 
you're the only family i have i cant afford to lose you!
Not another member of this family!

Tuesday 12 July 2016

I despise you!

I hate your height that makes my head lift up.
I hate the way you walk
like you are some gangsters that I have seen anywhere
I hate it when you start a fight
Your smug look when you are right.
I hate your tight lipped smile
Your teeth you hide all the while
I hate it when you cross your arms
I hate the feel of your hands.
Its rough texture like a sand.
I hate to see your creamy skin
That much more flawless than mine.
I hate your weird brown eyes
The way you try to look so nice
I hate it when you cut your hair
That sometimes, you just don't care
I hate it when I hear your sweet voice
That I cannot decide if its a music or a noise.
I hate to hear your corny jokes
But it make me laughs though
I hate when I see you sad\
It makes me guilty and bad
I hate it when you act so cute
It makes me speechless and mute
I hate the way you dance cause you look so hot
I hate the way you make me sigh
And I hate it when you're so tense
That between you and me, there's a white tall fence
Don't you get it? I hate you
I hate you so much It breaks me in two
I hate everything you did . and everything you do